Hello everyone. It is good to be writing to you again, and trust that all is well. I was reminded of the story of the prophet Elijah and the widow that he met in I Kings chapter 17. Elijah is instructed by the Lord to go to Zarephath and there he would find a widow that would supply His needs. When he arrives, the widow barely has enough food and water for her and her son. Verse 12 states, "So she said, As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar; and see, I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die." Later in verse 14, Elijah states, " For thus says the Lord God of Israel: The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth." God sure can do a lot with only a little. This week as VBS started at the church; we started out rather little with the amount of children that attended. Usually Sunday has from 25 to 35 children. This year with the coronavirus we only had 11 kids there. Monday increased to 15, Tuesday 14, and last night it had grown to 17. It was growing in size; simply amazing. This is not usual, for VBS to grow after the first night, but it did. Last night (Wednesday) at the start of the adult study, there was a note letting us know that 5 children got saved on Tuesday. Five out of fourteen; sounds like God doing a lot with only a little to me. I am so glad that we decided to have VBS this year even in the midst of the virus. God is blessing His people for the effort put forth. We as a church are fulfilling the great command to " Seek and save the Lost.' Praise God for His calling, and praise Him that He makes Himself so very real to His people for their faithfulness. Just wanted to encourage you with that update, and to remind you that we should always be about the work of the Lord; even if it seems like only a little thing we are doing.  We never know when God will do a lot with only a little. Talk to you soon, and take care. In His service, Pastor Joe
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